Fat Burning Workouts - Three Secrets For Success
By Geoff Neupert
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Step into any gym or health club in the world and I can guarantee you a 80% chance that any given person in there is trying to achieve a fat burning workout. But what is a fat burning workout?
What does one really look like and how do you know if you're really performing fat burning workouts or just killing time?
Here are 3 hallmarks of fat burning workouts:
Cardio burns calories, but in most cases, it just burns calories while you're performing it. Not only that, but "cardio only" workouts tend to strip your body of its muscle. There's that word again: Muscle.
Muscle is your "fat burning machinery." It's where fat is burned. Muscle is what causes your body to use energy, more energy. The more muscle you have on your body, the more energy your body will require and the more energy you will burn. So, your fat burning workouts should be structured around training your muscles - resistance/strength training. Ok, I'm sorry if I offend you with what I'm about to say, but here it goes: Walking on the treadmill (while holding on) watching Oprah while simultaneously talking to your best friend on the next treadmill, is not a fat burning workout. It is, in fat loss terms, counterproductive and a waste of your time. You'll start sweating. You will still be breathing hard and probably sweating profusely.
Congratulations! Your body is in the process of burning fat! If your fat burning workouts don't contain these three hallmarks, they're just not fat burning. Unless you're content in wasting your time, make the necessary changes so you can burn as much fat as possible in as little time as possible.
The Burpee - Got 10 Minutes For a Fat Burning Workout?
By Joe Gagliano
The holidays are here. what is always one of the top resolutions? Weight loss.
Before I show you how to use the Burpee and get a total body fat burning workout at home in 10 minute workouts with no equipment let me touch on a couple of points first. The number one excuse for not starting and sticking with a fat burning workout is a lack of time. #1 Your just plain lazy
#2 Getting bad workout advice
Getting bad workout advice. The newsstand fitness magazines are fun to look at sometimes but the muscle building and fat burning workouts in them are pretty unrealistic. Since we are looking at how to burn fat here lets look at what one of the most common recommendations for a fat burning workout is.
The old treadmill. Spending an hour 4-5-6 times a week is a waste of time and a totally inefficient way to lose fat. But you see it everywhere in local gyms line after line of treadmills and people mindlessly using them.
Now used properly the treadmill can get you a great fat burning workout. Interval training style, sprint for one minute, walk or jog for two are best for burning fat. You burn 100 calories in 20 minutes of low-intensity work compared to 160 calories in 10 minutes of high intensity, and you also burn more total fat in less time during a high-intensity fat burning workout. Okay now lets talk about The Burpee. 2.Squat down putting your hands on the floor.
3.Kick your feet back so you are in a push up position.
Sounds easy enough right. So there you have it a great fat burning workout that you can do at home and with no equipment. 5 Most Effective Fat Burning Workouts
By john mcewen
Fat burning workouts can be actual exercise or activities, as long as there is some type of aerobic movement, which is the key. The following are five of the most effective workouts that will definitely help a person burn fat, thus losing weight and toning muscles.
Weight Lifting
One of the best fat burning workouts is to hit the gym and start lifting weights. While weight lifting does help burning calories, it also puts lean muscle tissue on the body, thereby burning fat. For every pound of muscle developed, between 50 and 60 calories are burned every day. Running Running on flat surfaces and incorporating some hills and intervals will burn up to 300 calories in about 30 minutes, while building lean muscle that in turn, burns fat. A great exercise/activity to consider for fat burning workouts is cardio kickboxing. Included in this exercise are both flexibility and strength training, which works incredible for burning fat. Cycling and Spinning
One of the most popular fat burning workouts, this type of exercise is great for burning both calories and fat. Elliptical and Stair Machines In addition to burning fat and calories, this type of exercise also protects the body's joints from other type of fat burning workouts that can cause a hard impact.
Fat Burning Workouts - Uncover The Best
By Daniel Depp
The best fat burning workouts are those which help to increase your metabolism over a sustained period of time. Long, low intensity cardio workouts have long been cited as the best way to burn fat, more recently however, studies have shown that this is not the optimum way to lose fat. In this article I will unveil two key components to high quality fatburning workouts. These revelations may well surprise you, I know they surprised me when I found out about them - they also helped me to lose over 20lbs of fat over a six month period and keep that weight off, all with very little demand on my time. These 2 types of exercises should be incorporated into your fat burning workouts;
1. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).
This type of training involves working out for short periods of time at a high intensity. HIIT is far more productive for fat-loss because it helps maintain lean muscle mass whilst increasing your body's metabolism over a longer period of time (both during and after exercise) compared to low intensity training. This increase in metabolism promotes fat burning; recent studies have shown that 20 minutes of highly intense exercise burns vastly more fat calories than 45 minutes of the same exercise performed at a low intensity. Workouts should be performed in short bursts. I recommend beginning with a warm-up of 5 minutes duration at a low intensity followed by 30 seconds of highly intense explosive exercise before lowering intensity for 1 minute. Repeat this high-low cycle 4-5 times and then perform a cool-down at a low intensity for another 5 minutes. Your total HIIT workout should last between 16 and 18 minutes. As you improve you can increase intervals and extend your workout beyond 20 minutes. I recommend working out using this type of routine for no longer than 25 minutes 3-4 times per week.
2. Weight Lifting.
Strength training through lifting weights should comprise an important part of your fat burning workouts.
An intense weight training session helps your body to burn calories during the workout and also elevates your metabolism for as long as 39 hours after your have finished the session. During weight training your body is fueled by carbohydrates and the more intense those sessions are the more depleted carbohydrate stores become, resulting in more fat being burnt during the recovery phase. Obviously weight lifting promotes muscle gain. This is vital for any fat-loss regime because additional muscle mass results in a higher resting metabolism - more calories are burnt throughout the day. In fact for every 1lb of lean muscle mass your body burns as much as 50 calories per day just to maintain it, that means more fat lost doing absolutely nothing! Rest is also an important part of your fat burning workouts, your body needs time to recover and grow. Make your weights sessions quick-fire and lift as heavy as you can. My current fat burning workouts incorporate weights 3 days per week, I make sure every session I do is highly intense with fairly short rests between sets and each workout lasts no longer than 45 minutes. Follow this example and you will be well on your way to losing that stubborn body fat that has thus far refused to leave! If you really want to blast fat away quickly and easily then I thoroughly recommend checking out The 7 Secrets To Fat-loss which unveils 7 of the most over-looked aspects to fat-loss which most people will never known. Get the upper hand by learning the secrets and applying them to your own fat burning workouts.
Should you wish to view a number of specific exercises that I have used numerous times to accelerate my own fat-loss then please visit Fat Burning Exercises
Daniel Depp is a health and fitness fanatic. He is a former professional athlete who, since retiring found himself over-eating and piling on weight. He decided that enough was enough and embarked on a mission to gather as much information about weight-loss and fitness as he possibly could and then impliment these in his own life. He has since lost over 20 pounds of body fat, lives a healthy and vibrant lifestyle and is committed to helping others do the same. Visit his website at Secrets To Fat-loss to learn the '7 Forbidden Secrets' to ultimate fat-loss which will help you achieve the body you always wanted, permanently.
Fat Burning Workouts For a Healthier Lifestyle
By Jose Carrion
Fat is a huge problem for people nowadays and it takes a lot of time and energy to control excessive fat. Fat can be controlled by a combination of exercises and by eating healthy food. To control the overweight issue, many people do fat burning workouts. But, there is a big misconception that workouts can only be done inside the gym. In fact, we can safely say that fat burning workouts are part of a larger exercising regime which can help in reducing weight. To start with this process, we should normally start with consuming less diet. This does not mean that one should eat less or does not eat at all. In fact, this means that we should eat healthy food; eat lots of vegetables, take fruits daily and drink natural fruit juices. Apart from modifying the diet, fat burning workouts should be carried out as it can help reduce the body weight. These workouts can be carried out in the gym, with the help of a trained workout professional. Most of the people try to go for body and muscle building in the gym. This can help you as body shed fat, but this will not be long term as once you leave the gym, your body mass will begin to increase. Apart from fat burning workouts in gym, other plans include jogging and running. Now some people may not take jogging and running seriously, but it is a well known fact that regular jogging is extremely beneficial for burning calories and increasing stamina, both of which are crucial for burning fat. The important thing here is being regular during your jogging workouts and aim to increase your length of the running in less time. Other than running, cycling can also be a fat killer. Fat burning workouts can be carried out by cycling in gym or on your own typical bike. Bike riding is extensively used for travel and it can be a helpful way of including bike riding in your daily routine. Bikes can be used to commute and at the same time can considerably reduce body fats. Swimming is called by experts as the total body workout. When you swim nearly all the muscles in your body are in motion. A swimmers body is known as the perfect body. Among the many fat burning workouts, swimming is the ideal workout. Most of the people tend to stay away from swimming due to the logistics involved such as the availability of a suitable swimming pool but the fact remains that it is the perfect fat burning workout. Apart from outdoor workouts, there are certain fat burning workouts that you can do in the gym such as the treadmill walk and cardio cycle.
Weight lifting can also help you burn fat but that will also increase the body mass. For people, who want to keep their weight down through workouts, they need to adopt a healthy lifestyle for solving their weight issues. You should take a healthy diet, increase your metabolism rate by taking food in less quantity, do some exercise daily and be happy, are some of the tips to burn fat.
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